My MLB National League Trade Deadline Tier System

buyers:sellersWell first off were going to determine a list of National League Buyers and Sellers based on which teams believe they have the best chance of making the postseason. Unlike the AL where every team has at least 41 wins the NL is much more open and closed in determining who is going to make certain moves.

TIER 1: The “Should be” Sellers

These are the teams that have all but given up hope for playing meaningful games in September and October. In the National League it is very clear to see which teams will be looking to move to some talent. Here’s the current playoff Odds for the bottom dwellers in the NL.

Tier 1 NL

We will start with the NL because they is an abundance of teams looking to become sellers at the deadline. These four teams all have all-stars that could be moving teams within the next 2 weeks. We will sort through these teams by putting their potential trade assets into different categories.

All Star’s who could be on the move

Troy Tulowitzki: When healthy he is the best shortstop in Baseball but the Rockies are asking for a lot in return. The one team with the money and prospects to land this shortstop would be the New York Mets. Odds traded: 15%.

Carlos Gonzalez: This outfielder has had some great seasons in Coors field and could be a huge asset to a lineup for a team down the playoff run. Some teams interested the outfielder could be Los Angeles Angels and the Kansas City Royals who both could use a bat for the stretch run. Odds traded: 30%

Cole Hamels: He is the number 1 trade target on the market not only because of his friendly contract but he has valuable postseason experience as well as a ring. Some potential suitors could be the Los Angeles Dodgers, Chicago Cubs and the Texas Rangers. Odds traded: 60%

Jonathon Papelbon: He is back to his all-star form with a 1.40 ERA this season but he has let it be known he wants out (as he has stated for 3 seasons now. Some teams interested are the Chicago Cubs and the Toronto Blue Jays. Odds traded: 80%.

Carlos Gomez: He is a young Center-fielder with a Gold glove and a very dangerous bat. Some potential teams with the prospects to get him are the New York Mets, Kansas City Royals and Houston Astros. Odds traded: 5%

Johnny Cueto: He is a dominant starter who has been mentioned by many sources as a likely player to be moved. Teams that could use a front line starter are Astros, Yankees, Tigers, Cubs and Dodgers. Odds traded: 75%

Aroldis Chapman: He showed the entire baseball world his arm during the All star game and I’m sure front offices took notice. The Reds are in sell now mode and this flamethrower could be the difference maker for a playoff team. Teams interested: Blue Jays and Cubs. Odds traded: 30%

Some other players from these teams that could be traded are: Charlie Blackmon COL, Wilin Rosario COL, Mike Leake CIN, Jay Bruce CIN, Adam Lind MIL, Aramis Ramirez MIL, Jean Segura MIL, Kyle Lohse MIL, Ryan Howard PHI, Ben Revere PHI.

TIER 2: The Buyers and/or Sellers

These teams are still in the playoffs hunt as of right now and based on how they play in the next 2 weeks will determine if they decided to get rid of talent or acquire some talent. With the next two tiers I am going to go on a team by team basis with some potential scenarios.

Tier 2 NL

Arizona Diamondbacks: They have one of the best players in baseball right now Paul Goldschmidt but other than that they don’t have a lot of talent to trade or the farm system to acquire a top notch player. They will stay relatively quiet around the trade deadline.

San Diego Padres: They had one of the most aggressive offseason in MLB history and it has back fired as of now. If they struggle in the next 2 weeks potential stars like Justin Upton, Craig Kimbrel and James Shields. I do believe they have the talent to win and should be in the hunt in september. If they do become a buyer at the deadline look for them to add some infield help and potentially an every day center fielder.

Miami Marlins: This team has a lot of young talent but they have been hit hard by the injury bug. With Giancarlo Stanton currently on the DL, Dee Gordon also a little banged up and Jose Fernandez returning 2 weeks ago they have a bright future but not in 2015. They will stay somewhat quiet at the deadline but look for them to potentially trade these veterans Martin Prado, Dan Haren and maybe even Mat Latos.

Atlanta Braves: They have a mediocre team in a tough division which is why I believe they do not have much confidence in postseason baseball. They could trade some small pieces but don’t expect a major deal to come out of Atlanta.

TIER 3: The Buyers

Tier 3 NL

These 7 teams are the teams with the most realistic chance to make the playoffs. If your looking at the division leading Cardinals, Dodgers and Nationals they will be trying to add some depth and talent to their already strong rosters.

St. Louis Cardinals: The Cardinals have the best record in baseball and they almost certainly not be making a blockbuster trade. More so than anything the Cardinals will be looking to get healthy with Matt Holliday, Jamie Garcia and Jordan Walden all due to return within the next week. If they do make a trade look for them to add some offense to their 19th ranked offense this season.

L.A. Dodgers: The LA Dodgers have become to present day version of the late 1990’s New York Yankees with the money they are willing to spend on players. It is very evident that Dodgers need some starting pitching with Brandon McCarthy and Hyun-Jin Ryu both being out for the season. Some potential pitchers they are looking at are Hamels, Cueto, Leake just to name a few. I expect the Dodgers to make a move on a high end starter that they can pair with Kershaw and Greinke in October.

Washington Nationals: The Nationals are similar to the Cardinals in which they have strong starting pitching led by Max Scherzer and are just waiting on their bats to return healthy and impact the offense. The Nats will probably add a bullpen arm for the closing stretch run but don’t expect anything monumental from them.

Pittsburgh Pirates: Dominant young pitching and Andrew McCutchen have carried the Pirates to the second best record in the MLB. They will be looking to add some offense to a team that has been up and down on the offensive end all season. Look for them to add a player like Ben Revere or in my opinion a player of the caliber of Charlie Blackmon is a player that could move the Pirates into the best team in the league. I wouldn’t be surprisied if they Pirates make a move but I would assume it will be a smaller caliber trade.

These last 3 teams are battling to the last Wild Card spot and they will need some help if they want to earn a playoff spot.

Chicago Cubs: Lead by youth and strong pitching to Cubs are having their best season in what seems like a decade. The front office knows that another ace-like pitcher is something that the Cubs would love but will he compromise the future of his team to cater to a win-now attitude. If they want to make a splash they will go for players like Hamels and Cueto but also I wouldn’t be shocked if Theo Epstein were to go after David Price if the Tigers are falling out of contention.

New York Mets: The team with the best young pitching staff in the MLB is easily the Mets and if they can keep the young arms they have and somehow add an impact bat they could be very scary once the postseason begins. Troy Tulowitzki is a name that is thrown around a lot but that would be difficult to pull off. While I don’t see them adding an all star like Tulo I fully expect them to add at least 1 bat to help their terribly inconsistent offense.

San Francisco Giants: Well no shock here that they are battling for a Wild Card birth because it is an Odd year (They are WS champs in 2010, 2012, 2014) and if they do make the playoffs they will be a dangerous team again. While they have been okay this year they could use some help in the back end of their rotation and could use some power. I would expect the Giants to pick up some steam and make a run into September.

My Bold Predictions

  • Cueto and Hamels both get Traded.
  • Dodgers, Nationals and Pirates win their divisions
  • Cubs vs. Cardinals wild card playoff game in St. Louis.
  • The Mets will lose the last game of the season to fall out of playoff contention.
  • The Padres will clean house and get rid of a lot of talent.
  • Were going to see at least 2 more no hitters this season.

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